Thursday, February 11, 2010


After reading about the PRSA, I have come to realize that Public Relations has ties to every aspect of the sport industry. Which is a fact that is very important to me, because someday I would like to be working in the professional sports industry. Under the "Public Relations Defined" sub-section, it discussed how important it is to be able to deal with the attitudes of the public. This is very crucial to operating a professional sports team for many reasons. One part, in particular, is the development of the sports team facilities and it's relationship with the community. Many sport organizations make efforts to appeal to various interests that would drum up more financial gain. Examples would be, breast cancer awareness games, girl and boy scouts day, and offer support to a variety of local and national charities. For any group or organization to be successful with the public, I think it is a necessity to address advocacy, ethics, and diversity. PRSA clearly states where they lie in all three of these categories and I agree with their position. Advocacy is important because staying current on issues that impact your clients or targeted audience is fundamental to being competitive in whatever industry you are employed in. Ethics are a rocky topic in society due to the recent actions of many top officials and authorities. By drawing a publicly known line, PRSA is basically saying that they will not deal with any member's bull. Rules and standards to operate by are extremely beneficial because it allows your employees or members to know what they can do within the context of their job descriptions. Lastly, diversity is something you run into every day in this country. I like how they come right out and say reaching a high level of diversity is no longer a goal for them but basically a strategic way of operating and reaching the levels of success they strive to obtain. Public Relations is not my area of study, nor really something I strive to be employed in, but I can clearly understand why it is such a necessary tool for doing business in society today.

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